Roof profiles are fundamental to the architectural character of any building or group of buildings and as such contribute to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The Society seeks to protect historic roofscapes within the Conservation Area.
We object to oversized or inappropriately detailed dormers which are visible from the street and are not sympathetic to the existing building's architectural character and proportions, or to the Conservation Area. We also object to solar panels and rooflights which are visible from the street (including those called ‘Conservation rooflights’).
Roof clutter such as guard rails, antennae and satellite dishes can harm the character of the area affecting both short and long distance views. Westminster provides clear guidance on how these should be sited.
The right hand dormers are oversized. They are not traditional in proportion and dominate the building. The left hand dormers are still a good size but sit more comfortably in the roof. |