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Front gardens and boundary walls and hedges are all important features of the street scene in St John’s Wood and make a significant contribution to the character of the Conservation Area.

Unless there are exceptional reasons, the Society will always object to alterations to the front boundary if they include an application for a crossover for parking which would lead to the loss of a front garden.

Often these proposals also result in the loss of one or more resident parking bays which is particularly unacceptable in areas of high demand on street parking. We will also object if the surface materials used are not permeable and therefore not compliant with Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.

The Society will strongly resist applications if the proposed works to a front garden will result in the damage to or felling of trees which provide local amenity value. The City Council (Tree Section) must be notified six weeks in advance of any pruning or felling works to the trees within a conservation area or to trees protected by Tree Preservation Orders.

In 1963 the City Council created an Article 4 Directive in order to give an additional level of protection to Abbey Gardens, which still applies today.

Missing garden
This little patch of land at the front could provide a lovely setting for the building rather than pavement for the bins

Missing garden
The missing gates and front boundary treatment have allowed the creation of a car park

Missing garden
More gardens sacrificed to make parking with the associated loss of residents' parking

Missing garden
The sterile front garden indicates that a basement lies beneath

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