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Assets of Community Value (ACVs) were brought in under the Localism Act 2011 which introduces a Community Right to Bid for community assets in order to keep them in public use and remain an integral part of community life.

The Society listens to the views of local people and if we feel that there is sufficient evidence to support an application, we will make the necessary submission to Westminster City Council as we are the only local body with nomination rights

Typical community assets that may be under threat are pubs, local shops, community medical facilities and meeting halls, although it must be stressed that an ACV protects the building and not the use. So far Westminster City Council has designated two ACVs in St John's Wood, The Star Public House on St John's Wood Terrace and The Clifton on Clifton Hill.

However unless the the local community is able to bid successfully to purchase the property to protect the use, the creation of an ACV simply provides an extra layer of material consideration in the planning process. Unfortunately, in the case of The Star, it is no longer a much loved local pub but has become a shisha establishment.

The Clifton Hotel, Clifton Hill
This 'hotel' was where Edward VII wooed Lillie Langtry and was nearly lost to the community. Its ACV status helped protect it

The Star, Allitsen Road
This popular local is designated an ACV and its closure is being resisted by the Society and Westminster

Help protect our local amenities
These local shops include a chiropodist which is a useful addition to the area and saves the area becoming a dormitory.

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