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The trees of Westminster, whether in parks, open spaces, in private gardens or on the streets, make a significant contribution to London’s reputation as one of the world’s greenest cities. Gardens and trees are as integral to the character of St John’s Wood as its distinctive architecture.

Early maps and plans clearly show how the area got its name. It was developed from the late 1820s with tree-lined avenues and villas set in large gardens featuring many trees making it a true garden suburb.

Although some of these gardens have diminished in size and most of the original trees have long since gone, the importance of maintaining the original garden suburb nature of ‘the Wood’ is a priority of The St John’s Wood Society.

Residents must obtain permission for all tree maintenance work (not only for the many trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders) from Westminster City Council; it is a criminal offence to carry out tree surgery or to remove trees without prior consent. The Society monitors these applications closely and endeavours to make sure that the work is completed to the satisfaction of neighbouring residents and the community as a whole.

Advice on all aspects of trees is available, from problems of established trees to planning new plantings. Our Tree Officer, Diana Eyre, can be contacted at

The Society organises popular Tree Walks, led by Westminster Council’s Arboricultural Officer, to look at the best and most interesting trees in the area. Look out for these under 'Events'.

Important Street Trees
The character of the area is defined by trees and street trees are particularly important for reducing noise and pollution

Hedges are another key part of the streetscape

Open Space
Our open spaces are a great amenity to local residents and influence the quality of the area

The Churchyard

The Churchyard at the end of the High Street is very precious and a much loved amenity for local residents with nature trails and play areas

Church Gardens
The gardens and playground are maintained by Westminster 

Violet Hill Gardens
Another delightful garden with children's play area

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