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The objectives of the Society are:

  • to encourage high standards of architecture and town planning in St John's Wood
  • to stimulate public interest in and care for the beauty, history and character of St John's Wood
  • to encourage the preservation, development and improvement of features of general public amenity or historic interest
  • to oppose poor development in any part of St John's Wood which, in the informed view of the Society, would detract from the beauty, history and character of the area.
  • The principal means of influencing development in the area is through the planning process. Designated by Westminster City Council as a statutory consultee, all local planning applications affecting buildings and trees are scrutinised by the Society’s Planning Committee whose views are respected and heeded.   + Read More

The Society is also actively involved in issues affecting traffic and parking which have a significant impact on our lives.  + Read More

All of our officers are voluntary and our meetings are held in free venues. All gifts and bequests are most gratefully received and every penny goes to furthering the causes of the Society for our community.

We get involved with local community issues such as:
  • Comenting on all planning applications made in the area to ensure that they enhance the Conservation Area

  • Successfully challenging Transport For London regarding Cycle Superhighway CS11
  • Ensuring our streets are clean and clear of rubbish
  • Influencing environmental issues such as air quality, transportation and trees
  • Supporting local community facilities like the Adventure Playground, SJW Hospice, pubs
  • Holding events for all our members from Easter Egg Hunts to summer drinks parties
  • Promoting local shops and businesses with publicity and our discount scheme
  • Liaising with local residents, businesses, our MP, ward councillors, land owners, developers, and any other interested parties



St John's Wood History Group:
St. John's Wood Memories

Principal land owners:
John Lyon's Charity (020 7259 1700)
Eyre Estate (020 7722 2207)

St John's Wood: An Abode of Love and The Arts 
by Stella Margetson

Cottages and Villas 
by Mireille Galinou

We are always looking for people with a local interest who would like to get involved.  If you work in the built environment, want to feel part of your community or enjoy living or working in St John's Wood, contact us to discuss how you can make a difference.   + Find Out More

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